jueves, marzo 23, 2006


usuerly in tha mornings i like to spends a little time looking at the outside thro the window

out of ther window you can normally see BIRDIES

here is a list of the birdies that come in the garding to eat froops and go on the bird tabel

  • blacksbird
  • robbin
  • greensfinch
  • cole tit
  • blue tit
  • josef starling
  • wood pijen
  • normal pijen sumtimes
  • blackcap
  • dov
  • goose
  • terrordactal
  • dafferdil
  • chafinch
  • magpie
  • grate tit

yesterday koshka done a sick i didnt mention that cos its nothing to do with trostky unless he once dun a hairy sick on his bed.

now its time for brekfuss